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Earl Hutchinson

Earl Ofari Hutchinson is an author and political analyst. He is the host of the weekly Earl Ofari Hutchinson Show from 9 to 10 a.m. Saturday on KPFK 90.7 FM Los Angeles and the Pacifica Network. He is the publisher of

Houston rappers are putting their money in the only African American bank in Houston Unity Bank in third ward.

Nipsey, And Others, Dispel Thug Image of Black Males

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Hutchinson Report — There are two stories that regularly make the rounds about men like Nipsey Hussle. The one story that should be routinely told, pointed to, and held up for all is the colossal refutation of the gangster and thug image much of the public holds of men such as Nipsey. Yet, this never gets more than passing mention. It took the massive media…

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Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) addresses supporters in New York in June 2016 after he bowed out of the race for the Democratic presidential nomination. He officially entered the 2020 race on Tuesday.

The Bernie Can’t Get the Black Vote Nonsense Continues

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Hutchinson Report — It was repeatedly said as fact in 2016 and it’s being said again. Democratic presidential contender Bernie Sanders has a big problem with black voters; namely that he can’t get many of them. Like any other political non-truism that poses as a sacred political truism it was nonsense then and it is even more nonsensical now. When Sanders won the 2016 Wisconsin…

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Ralph Northam admits he was in 1984 yearbook photo showing figures in blackface, KKK hood

Why the GOP Really Outed Northam

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — First there was a murky outfit calling itself Big League Politics that plastered all over the place Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s now infamous medical school yearbook shot of him horsing around in either a Klan outfit or Blackface or both. Then a pack of Virginia GOP legislators piled on and demanded his resignation for his supposedly dastardly racism. Then Trump jumped in with the inevitable tweet…

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How race influences convictions. Source:: National Registry of Exonerations.

The Deadly Peril of White Privilege

By Editors' Choice

By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Hutchinson Report — Now how do you explain this? Scott Paul Beierle casually strolls into Hot Yoga Tallahassee in Tallahassee, Florida and just as causally blazes away inside and when the smoke clears, two innocents are dead and a score others are wounded. Beierle is not gunned down by police but just as casually murders himself. Then explain this. Beierle was not some nameless, faceless kook,…

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