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Herb Boyd

Herb Boyd is an American journalist, educator, author, and activist. His articles appear regularly in the New York Amsterdam News. He teaches black studies at the City College of New York and the College of New Rochelle.

Mumia Abu-Jamal

Mumia Abu-Jamal Granted a Reargue Appeal

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Herb Boyd — “First you say you do/ Then you don’t. Then you say you will/Then you won’t/ You’re undecided now/ So what are you gonna do.” This indecision may work well in a popular song of yore, but it does little to end the 35 years former Black Panther and radio commentator Mumia Abu-Jamal has spent behind bars. On Thursday a Philadelphia Common Pleas judge ruled that Abu-Jamal who…

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IBW Hosts Pan-African Unity Dialogue in New York

By News & Current Affairs

Seven years ago the Institute of the Black World 21st Century launched its first Annual Marcus Garvey Commemorative Meeting and Pan-African Unity Dialogue (PAUD). Last Saturday morning at Local 1199 SEIU more than fifty invitees assembled to pay tribute to what would have been Garvey’s 127th birthday and also to continue the IBW’s mission to bring together individuals representing various Black world diaspora communities for the purpose of dialogue and coordinated actions.

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