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Original bars on a window in the basement of the Freedom House Museum in Alexandria, Va, where enslaved people were housed before being transported to the South.

The bogus U.S. census numbers showing slavery’s ‘wonderful influence’ on the enslaved

By Reparations

By Peter Whoriskey, The Washington Post — Americans have long looked to the decennial census for truths about themselves, and the 1840 version presented them with an improbable and incendiary notion. Slavery was good for Black people, the figures indicated, and freedom led to insanity. Specifically, free Black people were far more likely than the enslaved to succumb to insanity. “Insanity and idiocy” was ten times more common among free…

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Small Business

National Small Business Leaders Release Five-Point Plan to Save the Small Business Sector

By News & Current Affairs

Leading nonprofit executives, former senior federal officials and top public policy experts release the most comprehensive analysis of small business ever undertaken in the US and lay out a five-step plan that over 10 years would generate a net new 1.5 million small businesses and grow small businesses’ share of U.S. employment by 25%. WASHINGTON, D.C. — With Congress at an impasse on a new stimulus package and permanent business…

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Screenshot: Ice Cube responds to backlash over Trump collaboration

Why Ice Cube’s political logic is so dangerous

By Commentaries/Opinions

By Peniel E. Joseph (CNN) — Ice Cube, the legendary Generation X rapper and hip hop icon, last week said he’s open to working with the Trump administration on implementing his “Contract with Black America.” That is a huge mistake which hurts the entire African American community. Cube sparked controversy after tweeting that the Trump campaign made adjustments to “their plan” for Black America after talking to him. Cube was…

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Black Civil Rights Leaders Fear Amy Coney Barrett “Invites a Return to a Racist Past”

By News & Current Affairs

Leaders of five prominent organizations agreed that Amy Coney Barrett was alarmingly evasive on questions about racism. By Mike Ludwig, TruthOut — After four days of confirmation hearings, Black leaders of five major civil rights organizations are lining up in opposition to the nomination of Amy Coney Barrett to the Supreme court and the “deeply flawed” process Senate Republicans are using to secure her confirmation…

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