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Shoppers on Brixton High Street in South London. As in the United States, ethnic minorities are disproportionately falling victim to the pandemic.

Britain’s Ethnic Minorities Are Being Left for Dead

By COVID-19 (Coronavirus), News & Current Affairs

The government could have predicted, and perhaps prevented, many deaths. It did not. By Sonia Faleiro, NYT — In early April, Maruthalingam Thiyakumar, a 58-year-old employee of the corner shop in my neighborhood in South London, died from the coronavirus. While some of my neighbors and I were able to follow Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s injunction to “stay at home” and “save lives,” Mr. Thiyakumar continued to provide toilet paper and tea…

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the Movement for Black Liberation

By Black Family Summit News, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

By National Conference of Black Lawyers (NCBL) — The COVID-19 pandemic presently sweeping the world exposes the continuation of centuries-old, deeply entrenched racial inequities that are embedded in the very fabric of the United States and the world. NCBL’s mission is the dismantling of this structural racism by serving as the Legal Arm of the Black Liberation Movement. This pandemic has underscored the need for the United States’ federal, state…

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Armed protesters provide security as demonstrators take part in an "American Patriot Rally," on the steps of the Michigan State Capitol in Lansing, on April 30, 2020

For many cautious African Americans, the move to reopen America is not a ‘black friendly’ campaign

By COVID-19 (Coronavirus), News & Current Affairs

“Nothing about this movement is really black friendly.” By Nick Charles, NBC News — As protests erupt over stay-at-home orders and the clamor to reopen the economy becomes louder, the coalition of people storming state Capitols — some armed with semi-automatic weapons and most not wearing masks or observing social distancing guidelines — have had one thing in common: Almost all of them are white. African Americans, for the most…

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People attempt to social distance as they wait in line in downtown Port-au-Prince on March 26, 2020

Haiti faces hunger as Covid-19 looms

By COVID-19 (Coronavirus), News & Current Affairs

By Chandler Thornton and Etant Dupain, CNN — Haiti is no stranger to crisis. Amid civil unrest, staggering unemployment, lack of quality health care and severe poverty, the country now faces a global pandemic that officials say could worsen its hunger crisis. “The situation has been described as a perfect storm approaching,” Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, Director of the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) said in a briefing Tuesday, warning the spread of…

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