By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Hutchinson Report — Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren did what legions have been urging her to do since 2016. That’s run for the presidency. She took the…
The republic has undergone a wild stress test but despite new lows, Donald Trump’s presidency has also seen a democratic renaissance By David Smith, The Guardian — It’s nearly half-time and we’re still here. On 20 January it will be two years since the businessman and reality TV celebrity Donald Trump took the oath as president, spoke of “American carnage” and boasted about his crowd size, leaving millions to wonder…
By Astead W. Herndon, The New York Times — BALTIMORE — The first “Amen!” rang out after a couple of minutes, as Senator Elizabeth Warren, speaking to an almost all-black…
The party was the natural political conduit for the protest movement. It must not betray that trust. By Gary Younge, The Guardian — With just a few thousand votes between the two candidates for governor, election night during the US midterms in Wisconsin could not have been more tense. The slender lead kept flipping between Republican and Democrat as various precincts reported their results. Then shortly before midnight a local news presenter suggested,…
Topics: Protecting the Financial Health of New York Consumers • “The Adultrification of Black Youth in the Criminal Justice System” • Can the Working Families Party Become the Third Force in American Politics. Guests: Lorelei Salas (New York Commissioner of Consumer Affairs, New York, NY) and Jeree Thomas (Policy Director, The Campaign for Youth Justice, Washington, D.C.)
What Next After Victory in the Midterms Can the Working Families Party Emerge as the Progressive Third Force in American Politics? Vantage Point by Dr Ron Daniels — For much…