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The leaders shortly before the attack

Bodyguards injured in attack on Afrocolombian leaders in southwest Colombia

By News & Current Affairs

Photo of the leaders shortly before the attack. By Adriaan Alsema, Colombia Reports — Armed men attacked Afrocolombian leaders who were preparing a pending meeting with the national government, they said Saturday. Two bodyguards were injured. According to black rights organization PCN, armed men started shooting and threw a hand grenade while black rights leaders were meeting in a farm in Santander de Quilichao in the north of the Cauca…

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At a time when Colombia’s peace implementation is threatened in part by government failures to fulfill obligations under its peace accord with the FARC, global advocates are encouraging international solidarity with women who are struggling for a peace that includes their human rights. (Photo:

Afro-Colombian Women Mobilize for Justice and Healing on International Women’s Day

By News & Current Affairs

In Colombia, women are demanding an end to the impunity, silence and invisibility that fuel attacks on female human rights defenders. Tumaco – Afro-descendant women’s organizations in Colombia are marking International Women’s Day by highlighting Black women’s role in peacebuilding and calling for reparations for conflict-related gender-based violence and other human rights violations. As members of communities that have long suffered governmental neglect, Afro-Colombian women and girls have faced disproportionate rates of conflict-related human rights violations with minimal access to justice or services. Ongoing violence in the wake of Colombia’s peace accord with the FARC, including killings of human rights defenders and displacement of entire communities, has especially impacted Afro-Colombian and Indigenous Peoples.

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