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Housing Segregation

Black Households Earned 61 Cents for Every Dollar of White Median Incomes

By Commentaries/Opinions

Police violence linked to segregated housing. By Charlene Crowell — The August 23 police shooting of an unarmed Black man in Kenosha, WI, triggered yet another round of community protests and national news coverage of a Black man. A series of multiple gunshots fired by a local police officer, were not fatal for 29-year old Jacob Blake; but may have permanently paralyzed him from the waist down. Days later on…

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Bridging the Divide: Some see reparations as the answer for centuries of slavery

Bridging the Divide: Some see reparations as the answer for centuries of slavery

By Reparations

From the White House in Washington, D.C., to the foundation of the Mid-South’s economy, free labor from slaves helped build it. By Stephanie Scurlock, WREF, Memphis, Tenn. — The civil unrest and protests after the death of George Floyd called for an end to police brutality, but protestors also called attention to economic disparities experienced by many African Americans. Protestors want change not only in policing but economic change. Some…

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Clockwise from top left: Police officers in Minneapolis; two Camden County, N.J., police vehicles; an officer at a Minneapolis gas station; and Sister Chabree Muhammad, with kids in Camden in July.

Police Reform: Here’s How America Should Rethink Safety

By Editors' Choice

America’s Policing System Is Broken. It’s Time to Radically Rethink Public Safety. By Josiah Bates and Karl Vick, TIME — In Minneapolis, the first days after George Floyd’s killing exist in memory as kind of a blur. Even so, the burning of the Third Precinct police station on May 28 was a signal event, and not only for residents of the south side, where Floyd was killed and so many buildings went…

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