3/25/19 Vantage Point Radio with Dr. Ron Daniels — Topics Combating Gentrification with Beloved Streets • The Mueller Report. Guests Melvin White (President/CEO, Beloved Streets of America, St. Louis, MO) Mark Thompson (Host of Make It Plain, SIRIUS XM, New York, NY)

More than 20,000 African American residents were displaced from low-income neighborhoods from 2000 to 2013, researchers say. By Katherine Shaver, Washington Post — About 40 percent of the District’s lower-income neighborhoods experienced gentrification between 2000 and 2013, giving the city the greatest “intensity of gentrification” of any in the country, according to a study released Tuesday by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. The District also saw the most African American…

The “Negro Removal” Program of the 21st Century National Town Hall Meeting to Assess the Crises of Gentrification in Black America WATCH: The Town Hall Meeting streamed live from the…

In Louisville, the group is purchasing vacant homes for low-income families to promote stability in the community and fight gentrification. By Zenobia Jeffries Warfield, YES! Magazine — In May,…

By Jennifer Larino, The Times Picayune — What can we do to break New Orleans and its neighborhoods free from a long history of racist housing policies? That’s the question posed…

By David J. Harris, Houston Institute Executive Director — Several weeks ago the Boston Globe published an opinion piece by editorial and staff writer David Scharfenberg in which he called for an “honest” commitment to racial integration. He dismissed the “gauzy 1963 version” of integration, insisted that “harping too much” on its virtues “can feel paternalistic,” and lamented the “disastrous busing experiment of the 1970s” which proved that “forced integration…simply doesn’t work.” Even so,…
Topics: The 60th Anniversary of the All African People’s Conference, Ghana • The Marijuana Justice, Equity and Reinvestment Conference • Anti-Gentrification Campaign in Atlanta. Guests: Mwalimu K-Q Amsata (Coord., North American Pan African Federalist Congress, Flagler, FL), Kassandra Frederique (State Policy Director, Drug Policy Alliance, New York, NY) and Kamau Franklin (Founder, Community Movement Builders, Atlanta, GA)

Displacing Black People and Culture, Gentrification: The New “Negro Removal” Program A Call for an Emergency Summit. Vantage Point by Dr. Ron Daniels — Gentrification has emerged as a major threat to Black communities that have been centers for Black business/economic development, cultural and civic life for generations. Gentrification has become the watch-word for the displacement of Black people and culture. Gentrification is the “Negro Removal Program” of the…

By Thelá Thatch, Black Enterprise — Gentrification involves the transformation of under-invested, predominately poor communities from low value to high value. During this transformation, long-time residents and businesses are displaced; unable to afford higher rents, mortgages, and property taxes. For some, gentrification is a process of renovating deteriorated urban neighborhoods through the influx of more affluent residents. To others, gentrification magnifies the racial divide as it shifts a neighborhood’s racial…

From the steps of St. Charles Borromeo at 20th and Christian, in the heart of the neighborhood, you can see the new Comcast tower and the Center City skyline. Searching…
The Economic State of the Black World Report. The International African Arts Festival 28th Symposium. The End of Black Harlem – Vantage Point Radio Show hosted by Dr. Ron Daniels…