By Julianne Malveaux — I was returning from an errand when the skies opened up. The punishing rain came down with such vigor that despite an umbrella, the bottom inches…
By Julianne Malveaux — I was returning from an errand when the skies opened up. The punishing rain came down with such vigor that despite an umbrella, the bottom inches…
A monthly tax credit for low-income renters and a “baby bond” program to help first-time homebuyers are part of the presidential hopeful’s list of proposals. By Kriston Capps, City Lab — Pledging to make housing a priority in his 2020 presidential candidacy, New Jersey Senator Cory Booker unveiled a plan on Wednesday with features that would ease affordability, homelessness, and first-time homeownership pressure for millions of families. At the core…
Ben Carson Humiliates Himself At Hearing As Member Of Congress Has To Explain How HUD Works By Jason Easley, PoliticusUSA — Rep. Porter made the mistake of asking Carson about the interest rate curtailment schedule at FHA, and Ben Carson had no idea what she was talking about. Carson asked the House member who was supposed to be conducting oversight to explain how his agency works to him. Video Rep.…
April 8th Edition of Vantage Point Radio Program Focus Report Back from the National Emergency Summit on Gentrification Newark Town Hall Meeting on Gentrification Gentrification: The Negro Removal Program of…
Gentrification is geographically limited in cities, but a new study shows where it has become a crisis, particularly for low-income black households. By Brentin Mock, CityLab — Ron Daniels, president of the Baltimore-based civil-rights network Institute of the Black World 21st Century, assembled a group of some of the foremost African-American social-justice advocates, thinkers, and influencers to Newark this weekend for an emergency summit on gentrification. The emergency is that too many…
APRIL 5, 2019, NEWARK, NJ — Panelists from across the country shared their perspectives on the nature of the crisis and offered ideas for countering the devastating assault on Black communities.
4/1/19 Vantage Point Radio. Topic: Newark Town Hall Meeting Gentrification, The Negro Removal Program of the 21st Century. Guests Fredrica Bey (New Jersey Coalition for Due Process and WISOMM, Newark, NJ) and Larry Hamm (Chairman People’s Organization for Progress, Newark, NJ).
Text calls on member states to tackle discrimination against people of African descent. By Jennifer Rankin, The Guardian — The European parliament has called for action to tackle the “structural racism” facing millions of Europeans of African descent in an unprecedented resolution that was overwhelmingly approved by MEPs. The resolution calls on European Union member states to develop national anti-racism strategies to deal with discrimination in education, health, housing, policing, the justice…
3/25/19 Vantage Point Radio with Dr. Ron Daniels — Topics Combating Gentrification with Beloved Streets • The Mueller Report. Guests Melvin White (President/CEO, Beloved Streets of America, St. Louis, MO) Mark Thompson (Host of Make It Plain, SIRIUS XM, New York, NY)
More than 20,000 African American residents were displaced from low-income neighborhoods from 2000 to 2013, researchers say. By Katherine Shaver, Washington Post — About 40 percent of the District’s lower-income neighborhoods experienced gentrification between 2000 and 2013, giving the city the greatest “intensity of gentrification” of any in the country, according to a study released Tuesday by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. The District also saw the most African American…
The “Negro Removal” Program of the 21st Century National Town Hall Meeting to Assess the Crises of Gentrification in Black America WATCH: The Town Hall Meeting streamed live from the…