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President Lyndon Johnson meets with Martin Luther King, Jr., in the White House, March 18, 1966

From “War on Crime” to War on the Black Community

By Commentaries/Opinions

The Enduring Impact of President Johnson’s Crime Commission Elizabeth Hinton, Boston Review — In his televised speech following five days of civil unrest in Detroit during the summer of 1967, President Lyndon Johnson announced the creation of the Kerner Commission to evaluate the uprisings there and in other cities, and to prescribe policies to suppress future disorder. The American public also demanded insight into why cities burned and what drove…

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Mayor Chokwe Antar Lumumba of Jackson, Mississippi; Ras Baraka, mayor of Newark, New Jersey; and Mayor Michael D. Tubbs of Stockton, California, have all sought to implement criminal justice reforms in their cities. (AP Photo / Rogelio V. Solis ; Reuters / Eduardo Munoz ; Courtesy of Michael Tubbs)

A Crop of Reform-Minded Mayors Trying to Fix Policing and Fight Mass Incarceration

By News & Current Affairs

In their choice of a police chief and through other local initiatives, mayors can make major strides in improving the way their constituents interact with police and the criminal justice system. By Collier Meyerson — “It angers me how we keep going down the same path expecting a different result. We believe over-incarceration and over-policing leads to less crime, yet we have more crime,” Chokwe Lumumba, the mayor of Jackson,…

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