By Jon Queally, Common Dreams — American billionaires grew in number and expanded their collective fortunes by $2.1 trillion since Covid-19 sparked a worldwide pandemic nineteen months ago, according to a…
By Jon Queally, Common Dreams — American billionaires grew in number and expanded their collective fortunes by $2.1 trillion since Covid-19 sparked a worldwide pandemic nineteen months ago, according to a…
By Preston Green III and Bruce Baker — White public schools have always gotten more money than Black public schools. These funding disparities go back to the so-called “separate but equal” era…
Rebalancing labor relations so that workers are empowered would be an effective way to address racial wealth disparities and atone for the legacy of slavery, a scholar argues. By Joerg…
Black Americans have been much more vulnerable to COVID-19 due to the wealth gap and various socioeconomic inequities that are the result of centuries of segregation, discrimination and slavery. By…
By Harmeet Kaur, CNN— Slavery reparations are back in the national spotlight. A House Judiciary subcommittee held a hearing this week to discuss establishing a federal commission that would explore…
By Emily Moss, Kriston McIntosh, Wendy Edelberg, and Kristen E. Broady— The COVID-19 pandemic has inflicted devastating effects on the U.S. economy, with job losses especially concentrated among women, minorities, and low-wage…
Why We Can’t Wait: Pass HR-40 Now! Vantage Point Articles & Essays By Dr. Ron Daniels Madame Speaker, with a Democratic Majority in the House of Representatives and one of the…
Decades after the civil rights movement, African Americans still hold a fraction of the wealth of white Americans. Why? Here’s everything you need to know: By The Week — How…
Philanthropy as usual isn’t enough to confront a racial wealth gap that’s exploding during the pandemic. By Edgar Villanueva & Chuck Collins, Market Watch — As the coronavirus rages and the economic fallout continues, the wealth gap between our country’s largely white top 1% and the Black and brown communities bearing the brunt of the pandemic has never been more exposed. U.S. billionaires have increased their wealth by nearly $1 trillion during…
By Tiffany Lashai Curtis, Business Insider — The murders of George Floyd and other Black Americans this summer reignited the Black Lives Matter movement and prompted high levels of giving…
Baby bonds are a good start toward changing the discriminatory status quo, but limiting it to New Jersey is shortsighted. By Maurice BP Weeks, The Appeal — New Jersey Governor…
To lessen and reverse the pandemic’s effects on Black families’ income and wealth, consciously consider the persistent effects of the country’s legacy of human trafficking, bondage, and disadvantage. By Kilolo…