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Dance Mission's Krissy Keefer.

San Francisco dance group offers reparations for Blacks

By Reparations

By David-Elijah Nahmod — A San Francisco dance organization is responding to the national racial justice movement by launching a reparations program for the Black community. Dance Mission Theater, also home to Dance Brigade, announced recently that it wants to do more than just stand with the Black Lives Matter movement. So, it is reaching out to the Black community. Its reparations program will offer a number of benefits. According…

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Bridging the Divide: Some see reparations as the answer for centuries of slavery

Bridging the Divide: Some see reparations as the answer for centuries of slavery

By Reparations

From the White House in Washington, D.C., to the foundation of the Mid-South’s economy, free labor from slaves helped build it. By Stephanie Scurlock, WREF, Memphis, Tenn. — The civil unrest and protests after the death of George Floyd called for an end to police brutality, but protestors also called attention to economic disparities experienced by many African Americans. Protestors want change not only in policing but economic change. Some…

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Theodore Roosevelt was one of many U.S. presidents who was racist.

Presidents have a long history of condescension, indifference and outright racism towards Black Americans

By Editors' Choice

President Woodrow Wilson told Black leaders, ‘Segregation is not a humiliation but a benefit, and ought to be so regarded by you gentlemen.’ He was one in a long line of racist American presidents. By Stephen A. Jones and Eric Freedman — The fury over racial injustice that erupted in the wake of George Floyd’s killing has forced Americans to confront their history. That’s unfamiliar territory for most Americans, whose…

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In Wilkerson’s view, racism is only the visible manifestation of something deeper, a hidden system of social domination.

Isabel Wilkerson’s World-Historical Theory of Race and Caste

By Editors' Choice

By comparing white supremacy in the U.S. to the caste system in India, her new book at once illuminates and collapses a complex history. By Sunil Khilnani, The New Yorker — As the summer of 1958 was coming to an end, Martin Luther King, Jr., was newly famous and exhausted. All of twenty-nine years old, he had been travelling across the country for weeks promoting his first book, “Stride Toward…

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Former vice president Joe Biden speaking with supporters at a community event in Iowa, 2019.

Joe Biden’s Campaign Is Making It Very Clear: They Will Push Austerity in the White House

By Commentaries/Opinions

By David Sirota, Jacobin — Almost no one noticed it, but earlier this month, a top Joe Biden advisor indicated that the entire agenda Biden is campaigning on won’t be pursued once he’s in the White House. Instead, Biden’s inner circle appears wedded to the ideology of austerity. he Democratic convention has sucked up all the political oxygen in America — so much so, that most people missed Team Biden…

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Staff Surveys Reveal Widespread Racism at the United Nations

By News & Current Affairs

United Nations (IPS) — As it continues to vociferously preach the virtues of equality—advocating equal rights for all, irrespective of race, sex, language or religion– the United Nations has been quick to condemn racism and racial discrimination worldwide. But how hypocritical is it when racism raises its ugly head in its own backyard— particularly in Geneva which, ironically, is home to the UN Human…

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Jarena Lee, Sojourner Truth, and Harriet Tubman were pioneering Black women leaders who championed equality in the church, politics, civic rights, and other areas of public life.

Black women are founders of American democracy. How will we live up to their ideals?

By Commentaries/Opinions

While too many Black were disenfranchised even after the 19th Amendment’s ratification a century ago, they never waited for permission before promoting their vision of fundamental rights. By Martha Jones, The Inquirer — When it comes to 21st-century politics, Black women are our founders. The double scourge of racism and sexism no longer defines American politics. The nomination of Sen. Kamala Harris to the Democrat’s VP slot, the more than…

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A healthcare worker sits on a bench near Central Park in New York City, on Mar. 30, 2020.

Why the U.S. Is Losing the War on COVID-19

By Commentaries/Opinions, COVID-19 (Coronavirus)

Failed leadership, a distrust of scientists, and cultural attitudes have all combined to result in an inadequate response to COVID-19. By Alex Fitzpatrick, TIME — It is a frightening time to live in the United States. COVID-19, a novel disease as ruthless as it is seemingly random, is picking us off by the thousands; even many of those who “recover” may never truly be the same again. The pandemic has…

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