By Jim Winston — The National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters (NABOB) shares the anguish, frustration, and anger in our Black communities across the country. The disproportionate impact of the…
By Jim Winston — The National Association of Black Owned Broadcasters (NABOB) shares the anguish, frustration, and anger in our Black communities across the country. The disproportionate impact of the…
Today’s protests build on a long tradition of activism. By Keisha N. Blain. The Atlantic — In cities across the United States, black activists are denouncing state-sanctioned violence and demanding…
By Rev. Dennis Dillon, NY Christian Times — There is a man in Washington who behaves just like a troubled kid with a mild mental disability – a brash, bombastic…
By Bashir Muhammad Akinyele — “The making of amends for a wrong one has done, by paying money to or otherwise helping those who have been wronged.” (American dictionary on…
Changing the Date Does Not Matter Vantage Point Articles & Essays By Dr. Ron Daniels — “Their Blood Cries Out:” The Tulsa Massacre and the Destruction of Black Wall Street…
By David Comissiong — The peculiar race-based history of the Western Hemisphere has bequeathed to all the people and nations of our region of the “Caribbean and the Americas” the…
If this wave of young people are organized, registered to vote and prepared to overwhelm the ballot box in November, showing their rage in a river of discontent through politics,…
We’ve reached a turning point in the Trump era. The 2020 campaign is in the streets and he’s losing. By Lucian K. Truscott IV, Salon — They almost always begin to right wrongs: illegitimate wars; decades of discrimination on the grounds of gender or racial or sexual identity; killings of innocents by police or gun-toting lunatics; oppression by governments wielding unequal laws; the deeply embedded legacy of centuries of racism.…
By Bashir Muhammad Akinyele — “In order for us to move forward, we must look back.” -Sankofa proverb (A saying from the Akan people of Ghana) “Black Lives Matter” -The…
Global outrage at the killing of George Floyd expresses the abiding international conviction that the U.S.’ self-promoted image is at odds with its reality. By Akbar Shahid Ahmed, HuffPost —…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — On March 22, 1991, a visibly shaken and angered President George H.W. Bush said he was sickened and “outraged” by what he saw on television….
By Michael J.A. Davis — “To be a Negro in this country and to be relatively conscious is to be in a rage almost all the time. ” – James Baldwin I had trouble getting out of bed this morning. I abashedly moved my 9 o’clock meeting with my boss to give myself time to rise. I almost did what many Black folks joke about in private, yet often need…