Father’s Day Events Celebrate Black Fathers, Provide Resources By Sam P. K. Collins — As Father’s Day approaches, the conversation among some Black fathers in the District has focused on…
Father’s Day Events Celebrate Black Fathers, Provide Resources By Sam P. K. Collins — As Father’s Day approaches, the conversation among some Black fathers in the District has focused on…
Rock Newman Show — With reparations, gentrification, issues like the Mueller Report and rising calls for president Trump’s impeachment making headlines. We’ll share an illuminating discussion of the “Politics of the Unusual” with political scientist Dr. Ron Daniels, president of “The Institute of the Black World 21st Century”. Comments: Share your thoughts or read comments made by others about this episode of the Rock Newman Show on the Rock Newman…
By News 12, Newark, NJ — Oprah Winfrey surprised students and teachers Friday at Newark’s West Side High School with a donation for $500,000. The visit and the donation was a surprise to many of the students – who still remained shocked Monday morning. “When Oprah came Friday, it was so surreal…everyone lost their minds,” said one student. The money will help fund the school’s Lights On program…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson, The Hutchinson Report — There are two stories that regularly make the rounds about men like Nipsey Hussle. The one story that should be routinely told, pointed to, and held up for all is the colossal refutation of the gangster and thug image much of the public holds of men such as Nipsey. Yet, this never gets more than passing mention. It took the massive media…
Nipsey Hussle (August 15, 1985 – March 31, 2019) By Bashir Muhammad Akinyele — As I read and watched the reports on the murder of our brother Nipsey Hussle this past Sunday in the media, I thought about how South Central, Los Angeles’ African American community loss a good Black man. He was a brother of many gifts. He was a father. He was husband. He was a friend. But he was also a Hip Hop artist, entrepreneur, and…
APRIL 5, 2019, NEWARK, NJ — Panelists from across the country shared their perspectives on the nature of the crisis and offered ideas for countering the devastating assault on Black communities.
More than 20,000 African American residents were displaced from low-income neighborhoods from 2000 to 2013, researchers say. By Katherine Shaver, Washington Post — About 40 percent of the District’s lower-income neighborhoods experienced gentrification between 2000 and 2013, giving the city the greatest “intensity of gentrification” of any in the country, according to a study released Tuesday by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. The District also saw the most African American…
The “Negro Removal” Program of the 21st Century National Town Hall Meeting to Assess the Crises of Gentrification in Black America WATCH: The Town Hall Meeting streamed live from the…
Since Freddie Gray’s death in 2015, violent crime has spiked to levels unseen for a quarter century. Inside the crackup of an American city. By Alec MacGillis, The New York Times — On April 27, 2015, Shantay Guy was driving her 13-year-old son home across Baltimore from a doctor’s appointment when something — a rock, a brick, she wasn’t sure what — hit her car. Her phone was turned off,…
By Brittney Drakeford and Ras Tafari Cannady II, Greater Greater Washington — The effects of historic discriminatory urban design practices, such as redlining and racially-restrictive zoning, are by no means relegated to…
By Jon Jeter, Truthout — Sen. Cory Booker’s announcement on February 1 that he is entering the 2020 presidential race brings the number of African-American Democrats seeking their party’s nomination to two, making the crowded primary field the “most diverse in history,” according to The New York Times. But while The New York Times, cable news and other liberal pundits exult in the White House bids of Booker and California’s junior U.S. Sen. Kamala Harris, African…