By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — Here we go again. In the space of a recent few days we had a verbally disjointed announcer during a championship game rant and rail…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson — Here we go again. In the space of a recent few days we had a verbally disjointed announcer during a championship game rant and rail…
By Milton G. Allimadi — We’ve all known that Empire historically epitomized virulent racism that many pretended was a thing of the past. The Meghan Markle and Prince Harry interview…
By Eisa Nefertari Ulen — Racism enters Black bodies. Enduring racial discrimination lowers heart rate variability and increases heart rates. Racism is fight or flight. The internalization of anti-Black racism accelerates biological aging…
By Derek H. Alderman, Joshua F.J. Inwood— How can maps fight racism and inequality? The work of the Black Panther Party, a 1960s- and 1970s-era Black political group featured in a new…
By Bill Fletcher Jr. — It is important to note that both Antifa and the Black Lives Matter movement are networks, at best. There is no one organization called “Antifa,”…
By Nkechi Taifa — WASHINGTON — If acknowledgement is the first step toward acceptance, reparations for Black people in America has taken a major step forward. The Feb. 17th House Judiciary…
By Dr. Maulana Karenga — Part II. It was Min. Malcolm X who taught us to cultivate a world-encompassing consciousness, not only as pan-Africanists committed to the liberation of Africans…
Experts say the H.R. 40 reparations bill could be an early test for President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. By Char Adams— A bill reintroduced in the House…
By Earl Ofari Hutchinson— When word hit that a phony Valentine’s Day card was being circulated among LAPD officers that mocked the slaying of George Floyd, a bevy of LAPD…
The failure to appreciate Black history leaves our nation incomplete. By Jonathan Holloway— Many of the insurrectionists who stormed the Capitol on Jan. 6 were driven by a belief that…
By Sundiata Cha-Jua— The key to African American advancement and eventual liberation is the strength of the Black liberation movement. When the movement operates at high tide, it elevates all…
By Anthony Quinones— Many historically marginalized groups have the ability to address the atrocities done to them. For example, Jewish people are still talking about the Holocaust. The Nazis killed…